Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pigs and Pride

This morning Phil asked me to take a couple pictures of our discusting neighbor's house so that he can forward them to the city (last 2 pictures). Phil already contacted the neighborhood improvement services, and they claim to have a case file opened. Aparently not much is being done though. I can't understand anyone living like such pigs. Geeze people, whether you rent or own have a little pride in your home!

On a nicer note, I took the camera along with me to San Francisco today and took a few pictures after my interview. The tall building to the right of the Transamerica building in the 3rd photo is the building where my interview was held. I don't know the name of the sculpture or the artist, but I liked the mother holding the baby. The 1st pic shows the rainbow flags along Market Street in preparation for the Gay Pride parade this weekend.


  1. Is that a mattress in the second to last picture!? How long has that been sitting out there? Where do you live?

  2. Being the glutton for punishment that I am I clicked on the pics to see them larger and HURL!! OMG that is aboslutely dusgusting? People actually live there? It almost looks abandoned. And Jeremy, there are about 4 mattresses sitting in that picture! Do they have kids Yolanda? I see kid toys in some of that junk and it makes me fear the conditions the kids could be living in inside! Can you see the backyard?I'm wondering if thats worse than the front. They remind me of our gross neighbors next door!

    Love the pics of San Fran! I hated living there(well, I was stationed on Treasure Island)but its not bad for visiting :)Looks like you had a beautiful day for being out and about!

  3. Sorry, that should be *disgusting*. I cant spell while vomiting!

  4. **Oops! I misspelled "disgusting" too. LOL! Anyway, I've never actually spoken to the people that live there, but I've seen a couple men there who look to be in their mid-20's to 30s and a Hispanic woman probably in her 40's. I don't remember ever seeing any kids. About a month ago, Phil noticed all the junk lined up by the fence, and a U-Haul was out front. We thought the people were moving out. A couple days later the U-Haul was gone, but there were still a bunch of boxes and chairs next to the fence and by the garage. Phil thought that maybe the people moved away and left all the junk. A couple weeks ago though, Phil got home late at night from work and he saw a cop pull and and walk to the front of the house. Someone came out and spoke to the cop. Phil wasn't sure if it was a resident or a squatter. The beginning of the week is when the junk piled up in the yard. **Jeremy, I counted 4 mattresses yesterday. Unreal!! I live on the opposite side of the street about 8 houses down from this slop. Most of the people on the street do a good job of keeping up their homes, but there are a few that make it look bad for everyone else. The house diagonally accross from ours has been abandoned for over a year now. After the residents moved out there was a fire. There is still a hole in the roof from when the firefighters came out and put out the blaze. The windows are black from smoke damage, and the garage is boarded up. The yard is a big weed pile. Since the bank owns the house now, they haven't done anything to clean it up. There is a "For sale" sign out front now. I can't imagine anyone being interested unless the house is practically rebuilt.

  5. OMG!!! I feel sorry for the house and of course its neighbors. The house itself looks okay. I can't believe people actually want to live this way. I'm living in chaos from our move and it's driving me crazy. I couldn't imagine pulling up to this house every night and having the feeling of "home, sweet, home."
