It's almost that time. That's right, I got my little package in the mail a few days ago reminding me that it's almost time to vote once again. I decided to mail in my card and vote "absentee" this time around. I usually go to the polling place directly, but being that I have no idea right now where I'll be work-wise, I figure voting by mail is the easiest route.
I'm actually debating over whether or not to change political parties. I'm registered as a Democrat, but I have been seriously discusted with our government. To be completely honest, when I registered as a Democrat, I didn't really put much thought into it. I was 18 at the time, and I just registered with the same party as my parents. I didn't know a thing about politics, and frankly I didn't care. At 18 being able to vote was just the "cool" thing to do. Hey, I'm an "adult" now, I can vote. Whoopie!!
Just for the fun of it, I took a quiz to see what party I "should" support. The quiz labeled me as a Republican. I personally feel like I don't entirely relate to either the Democrats nor the Republicans. I sometimes feel like I'd best be called an anarchist. I don't really care for government control, though I do understand its need.
I sometimes think about what I would do if I was the president. What would I do differently? Obama's campaign focused on what he would "change". What I would focus on is how I could effectively listen. What do the people want? Isn't this country a democracy (by and for the people)? I wouldn't try to change anything unless the country wanted something changed. Why fix what isn't broken?
Just because you're registered as a Democrat doesn't mean you have to only vote for democrats. You can vote for whom ever you feel will do the better job. I personally don't feel Republicans can do a better job. Republican politicians are pretty narrow minded. I also don't want a repeat of the Bush administration. I voted for Obama but I'm not sure if he's doing everything he said he would do. I'm a little disappointed with him at this point. I still support him because I do think he's trying but not as hard a he should be. There were a lot of promises he said he would do in his first year that he hasn't done. But he does have a lot of people that are trying to stop whatever he is doing just because they didn't want him in office. So I'm on the fence at this point. Hopefully, he will make up for his first year down falls. My views are also in between Democrat and Republican. I believe the people of this country should be the ones have the say on how this country is ran but I don't think I will be a republican just because of that. I feel the Democrats will give me more of the rights I deserve. Technically, I'm registered as Peace and Freedom but no one really gets that far running under that so we always have to choose between Democrat and Republican.
ReplyDeleteI think you just need to pick whom you feel will do the better job because the most important part is that you vote.
Just voting and making your voice heard is what its all about! You know how I feel about things so I wont get into a big political post. I'll just say that I think our founding fathers are turning over in their graves right now with the way the govt has their hands in every aspect of our lives!