In case you didn't notice on my Facebook, I'm very sick and grouchy today. I'm eating applesauce while I'm typing this, because it's the only thing I can swallow right now. I've had the sore throat from hell now for 2 days. I don't think it's strep, because I've only had a low-grade fever, but it's definitely miserable. On top of that, I had to go to the dentist for a filling this morning. I hate going to the dentist on its own, but while feeling sick, it's twice as annoying. Of course my dentist had no intention of being gentle, so now along with the sore throat, the lower left side of my jaw is aching too.
And, yes, I'm feeling highly depressed about my work situation (or lack there of). I still haven't gotten a check from unemployment, I've applied to 23 jobs with no response from anyone, and I'm feeling discouraged and beaten. All I want to do is earn enough to pay my bills. Is that so bad? The current unemployment rate for Contra Costa County is 12%. So where are the other 88% of people working? And, why don't they want me? I've revised my resume, sent out personalized cover letters and even included copies of my college transcripts. I'm not quite sure what people want. Maybe I should do like the girl in Legally Blonde and print my resume on pink scented paper. My next idea is to write out my resume on sticky notes and mail them all off in a big envelope with a cover letter explaining how detail oriented I am and how I make sure to note everything. LOL! I'm kidding! I'm kidding!