Tomorrow is the first day of Spring (or the Vernal Equinox to be technical). The weather certainly couldn't be any more beautiful. As I'm typing this, it's 7:02pm and the current temp is 75 degrees. I love weather like this. I took a walk at lunchtime today, and it was just perfect. If only I could have smelled the blossoms on the trees. My nose is still pretty stuffed up from my cold, and I have a lingering cough. Thankfully the sore throat is gone though.
I was hoping that Phil and I would be able to get to the Amex Travel office tomorrow to exchange money for our trip, but we'll probably have to wait at least another week for Phil to heal some. Wednesday night Phil had a sore throat and headache, so I thought for sure I'd given him my cold. Yesterday after stealing my ibuprofen, he felt better, so he blamed everything on allergies. Just when I thought he was doing ok, Phil called me last night to say that he sprained his ankle at work. I really think he should get an x-ray just in case it really is a break, but he is stubborn like me and won't do it. If it truly is a sprain, he may be hopping around for a week or two. **I just hope it's better before our trip. It will be hell to try to walk around through airports and city streets in pain. Maybe I should order one of those "Hover-round" things. Ha ha!
At least if we don't get out and about tomorrow, I can sleep in. I've been having a hard time adjusting to the time change. I don't know why. Normally it doesn't bother me, but lately I've been going to bed around 10pm, waking up around 12:30-1am, and then not being able to fall back asleep until nearly 4. Then I have to get up at 5. This isn't working! Last night (or really this morning) I ended up getting up and watching "The People's Court" at 3am, because I could't sleep. How sad is that? Oh, and then I watched an infomercial for the Shark Steam Cleaner. There's some great tv viewing at these hours! LOL!