So, today at work during our morning staff meeting we were asked to state our goals for 2019. Honestly at 7:00 in the morning, my goal is to stay awake. I haven't thought a whole lot about goals for the year. I would like to learn a little French, since I might be spending a couple days there next December. I'm not stressing over it too much though at this point. I was worried about traveling to Zurich last year without any knowledge of German, but everyone spoke English. I've heard that the French are a little particular about visitors speaking their language, so I would like to know a few words at least. Hopefully I'll be able to say enough to get by.
I think everyone's staple goal is to lose weight and eat healthier in the new year. I wouldn't mind joining a gym with a partner, but I will never do it on my own. I'm far too much of an introvert to get out there on some random machine surrounded by tiny women in spandex. First of all, I don't even know how to operate any of that equipment, and secondly, I can already feel the glares of people staring at my jello parts. Maybe if I ever win the Lotto, I can get a private trainer-- preferably a blind one.